Douglas DC-6

This plane was my Winter project for 2004-5. It has a span of 180" and is about 13% of the full size. Weight came in at about 95 pounds. The plane is powered by G-26's. As usual it has scratch built retracts with Robart brakes. Hopefully it looks a bit like the presidential plane "The Independence" which was Harry Truman's aircraft. The original plane has been refurbished and is located at Wright-Patterson's presidential hanger in Dayton.

The first flight of the "Independence" was on April 9, 2005. The flight was uneventful as it lifted off easily in about 150'. Little trimming was required. The right inboard engine stopped on the 2nd lap. However the plane handled well and landed easily on 3.

The plane finished the 2005 season with 52 flights.

2009 video of Truman in Canada   by Tom Bilodeau

2012 video by Rich Behrend

August, 2004

September, 2004 

October, 2004

January, 2005

April, 2005

Fond du Lac Fly-in
June, 2005
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